Bloom Women's Conference
10:00 AM10:00

Bloom Women's Conference

On Saturday, March 22, from 10:00 AM-1:00 PM, WFBC will host a conference aiming to grow and empower women in our community through fellowship and discipleship. Please join us as we meet for worship, brunch, a workshop, and to hear guest speaker Emilee Burdette, as she will share how God has used her story as a Polycycstic Kidney Disease warrior to inspire and minister to others.

The cost for Bloom is only $10 and includes coffee from True Vine Coffee Co., brunch, and a craft. Childcare will be provided from 9:30 AM - 1:15 PM.

To register, please click HERE

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to Jul 12


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Vacation Bible School is almost here! We will meet each night the week of July 8th-12th. We’ll have supper starting at 5:30 followed by V.B.S. from 6-8:00 pm each night. All children age 4 through 5th grade are invited to join us. You can pre-register by filling out the form below.

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2:30 PM14:30

Baby Shower

Baby Shower Invitation

We will have a baby shower for Hunter and Lindsay (Meade) Burton here in the CLC on Sunday, March 8th, from 2:30-4pm.  They are registered at Target, Amazon & buy buy BABY.   Join us for this special afternoon of celebrating the arrival of a new little life.

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8:00 AM08:00

Snow Tubing for all

On Jan. 20th, we're planning a snow tubing trip to Stone Mt. Tickets cost $25. We'll leave at 8:00 am and return later in the evening. There is a sign-up sheet located in the church lobby and youth room. This event is open to anyone who would like to attend, but children in 1st through 5th grade must be accompanied by an adult.

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12:00 PM12:00

Luncheon to benefit the Stones

Luncheon for the Stones

Sunday, November 3rd

Make sure to join us for a luncheon to benefit the Stones through Cross Vision International this Sunday after our morning worship service. Come for some good food, great fellowship and contribute to our “home-grown” missionaries to Guatemala.

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3:00 PM15:00

Baby Shower

Baby Shower

Join us to celebrate Olivia Medlin and the upcoming arrival of baby boy Baker Todd Medlin on Sunday, October 20th, from 3-5pm in the CLC. RSVP to Nancy Medlin @828-329-2329 or Kinslee Medlin @864-617-7107 by October 10th. Olivia is registerd at Target and Amazon. Instead of bringing a card, please bring a book and sign the inside. We can share your special gift with little Baker Todd for years to come.

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11:00 AM11:00

Homecoming Day

Homecoming Celebration Service & Lunch

This Sunday, 10/13

Please plan to stay and join us for lunch after our Homecoming Celebration this Sunday. The church will be providing Chicken Fingers and Ham and we are asking those that can to bring salads, sides and desserts.

Also, we will not have Children’s Church in the morning service. We are encouraging families to worship together for this special day. There will also be no evening service or activities that night.

This Sunday will also be a Pastor Appreciation Day. There will be baskets set up in the CLC where you can place your cards of appreciation to Trey and Joel. Let’s shower these men with cards showing them how much we appreciate their dedication and love for the Lord and our church.

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11:00 AM11:00

Deacons Vote

Deacon Vote

On September 15th, in the morning worship service, we will vote for four (4) deacons to serve a three-year term. We will have five (5) names to choose from. They are: Dale Bell, Ray Bunton, Dean Davenport, Phillip Pack and John Suber. Please begin praying now for who the Lord would have to serve our church in this position.

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11:00 AM11:00

Deacon Nominations

Deacon Nominations

This Sunday morning, September 1, 2019, our church will nominate four (4) men who will serve our church as deacon alongside the remaining eight (8) deacons who are not rotating off this year. Once nominations are counted, we will compile a list of the eight (8) top vote getters and from that list we will vote for four (4) of those men, on Sept. 15th, to serve. You may nominate up to four men that you believe meet the biblical qualifications to replace those deacons rotating off the deacon council. You will receive your written nomination form this coming Sunday morning. Please consider the following passages of scripture which describes the godly characteristics of those who serve honorably as deacons. The deacons presently serving our church are not eligible to be nominated. They are: Mike Brown, Tony Crowe, Jimmy Haning, David Lewis, Joe McAbee, Richard Meade, Todd Medlin, John Moore, Joey Pack, Lee Rogers, Terry Solesbee and Joey Werner . Please make this a matter of prayer and spiritual discernment as we choose four additional servants for the coming 3 years.

1 Timothy 3:8-13

8 Deacons likewise must be men of dignity, not double-tongued, or addicted to much wine or fond of sordid gain, 9 but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 These men must also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach. 11 Women (or Their wives) must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things. 12 Deacons must be husbands of only one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households. 13 For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

Acts 6:3

3 Therefore, brethren, select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task.

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7:00 PM19:00

Ice Cream Social

Ice Cream Social

We will have an Ice Cream Social after the evening service in the CLC on August 25th. If you can bring churned ice cream, please let Robin Starnes, Lisa Porter or Tony Crowe know. Make plans to join us for this time of fellowship as a congregation.

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2:00 PM14:00

50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration

Celebrating 100 Years of Marriage

Sunday, August 25th

Steve & Jenny Loftis and Jack & Beth Wilson invite you to a drop-in honoring each couple’s 50th Anniversary on Sunday afternoon, August 25th, from 2-4pm in the CLC. Steve & Jenny were married August 17, 1969, in Summerton UM Church, Summerton, Clarendon County, SC. Jack & Beth were married September 14, 1969, at Midway Presbyterian Church, New Zion, Clarendon County, SC. Although Jenny and Beth grew up across the county from each other, they had to come to WFBC to get to know each other and become family with this church family. Come join the celebration of each couple’s 50th anniversary. No presents, just your presence is your gift to them.

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11:00 AM11:00

Pastoral Candidate to Preach

Pastoral Candidate

The Pastor Search Committee will present the man that they believe to be the one called by God to lead Williamston First Baptist Church. This candidate will preach a trial sermon this Sunday, August 18th, with a vote being held immediately following the morning service. His cover letter, resume, and a timeline from our committee will be available on Sunday. Please join us in prayer for our church and this candidate.

We will have a slightly different service order this coming Sunday morning. There will be no Children’s Sermon, so parents, please have your children stay in the service with you.

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9:00 AM09:00

Sunday School Leadership Training

Sunday School Leadership Training

Please reserve Saturday, August 3rd, from 9am to 12pm, at First Baptist for Sunday School leadership training. This event is sponsored by the Palmetto Baptist Association.

This year’s goal is evangelism thru Sunday School. Training and networking opportunities will be available for all leaders. You are invited and encouraged to attend this important training if you are in a leadership position with any age group – children, youth, and adults. This includes pastors, staff, deacons, Sunday School directors, department directors, teachers, assistants, outreach, and helpers.

The training will begin with a welcome and introduction, followed by a keynote challenge from Rev. Chase Stone, Assoc. Pastor and Minister of Education, Concord Baptist Church, Anderson, SC.

After a short break, breakout sessions will begin at 10:15am with adjournment at noon.Please be a part of this event and show that you care about those in our community who need to hear the Gospel

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2:00 PM14:00

Wedding Shower in CLC

Wedding Shower

We will be celebrating the upcoming nuptials of a special couple with a wedding shower. A shower for Laurel Middleton & Dakoda Gladhill will be on Sunday, July 21st, from 2-4pm in the CLC. They are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target.


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to Jul 20

Youth Mission Trip

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Youth Mission Trip

Pray for our youth and others that are going to Charleston for the Youth Mission Trip. They will be leaving on Monday morning, July 15th, from the church at 10am. Pray for their safety and that the Lord will use them in a mighty way as they share the gospel.

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5:00 PM17:00

Annual Church-wide Picnic

Annual Independence Day Church-wide Picnic

Saturday, June 29th

We are once again looking forward to a great time at our Annual Church-wide Picnic celebrating Independence Day at the home of Ray and Mary Anne Bunton. We’ll start the festivities at 5pm and plan on eating around 6pm. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy an evening of fun and games. In case of rain, the picnic will be held in the CLC.

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to Jun 21


This year our Vacation Bible School will be June 17th-21st. Beth Watkins will be needing volunteers to help with VBS again this year. Please let her know if you are willing to help. Just think, you can be a missionary right here at home. This is an excellent way for us to provide the children in our church and community the opportunity to experience God in a fun and informative way. Don't miss this chance to make a difference.

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8:30 AM08:30

Youth Yard Sale for Mission Trip

On Saturday June 1st, the youth will have a yard sale to help with the cost of our summer mission trip. We will begin at 8:30 and finish by 12:00 pm. If you have items you would like to donate, you are welcome to bring them by the church and store them in the kitchen of the old fellowship hall.

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