PBA Fall Celebration & Joint Worship Service
This Sunday Evening, October 21st
Join us this Sunday evening, Oct. 21st, at 5:40pm at Cedar Grove for our Annual Fall Celebration & Joint Worship Service. This year we will be focusing on our PBA mission and Operation Care Food Ministry. Please bring an item or items from the list below to help stock our local food pantry.
Canned Meats, Pasta, Spaghetti Sauce, Rice, Canned Beef Stew, Peanut Butter, Crackers, Mac & Cheese, Sugar, Four, Oil, Coffee, Tea, Canned Vegetables, Boxed Meals, Soups, Ramen Noodles, Chef Boyardee, Cereal, Cereal Bars, Grits, Oatmeal, Pop Tarts, Personal Hygiene Items, Paper Products and Diapers.
Please note that due to this meeting there will be no Ladies Bible Study, CIA or Youth held here at the church on that evening.