
Sunday School 9:45am

Kids Own Worship-11:00am 


Snack - 5:30 pm

Kidzlife - 6:00 - 7:30 pm




On Sunday mornings before the worship service, we have Sunday School classes for all ages. During the worship, all children in preschool through the 5th grade are invited to Kids Own Worship. This is a worship service designed with your child in mind. Children come to the main worship service with their parents and we head over to the CLC building after announcements and the opening songs.




Kidzlife is for children in pre-school (3 & 4 year olds) through 5th grade. We meet throughout the school year on Wednesday nights from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Each week there are games, a relevant message just for them, and an opportunity to discuss what they’ve learned in a small group setting. Kidzlife is centered on helping children know God through His Word.